Composer obsessed with taking ideas & turning them into tangible stories.
My Music
Yet, I excelled at two things: movies and music.
Immersing myself in movies proved almost as excitingly gratifying as playing my Stratocaster (my electric guitar). Through characters like Luke Skywalker, Rocky Balboa, Superman and Batman, Andy Dufresne, Wyatt Earp, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, I saw strength, stoicism, kindness, and love- I learned from them and grew up with them.
Growing up means coming to terms with the fact that there is no one plot, no playbook. There is no force to call upon the answers to life’s quandaries. Yet, the answers are shown to us between our interests, the advice and support of our loved ones, and occasionally even the little coincidences that pop up. I chose to pursue a musical journey and began telling my own stories. Whether playing one of my now many guitars, or writing for other musicians, I have decided that my answer to the quandary of life is to translate inspiration. The inspiration I got from my favorite characters, the inspiration I get from hearing my parents tell their stories, and even from watching movies with my friends- all this life deserves its own music.
I still feel that eagerness and excitement every time I sit down with a guitar or piano and write music for every story I happen upon.
Finding the perfect balance of engagement and professionalism for a website has proven to be quite tricky. As I sit here, wondering what I could possibly have to say about myself, the image of a nerdy, insecure kid comes to mind. With barely an iota of athletic ability and no real luck with girls, you’d think this kid would at least have stellar grades… I didn’t.